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Resources - Quick Proforma

This is a simple real estate proforma that can be used to project the profitability of a real estate project. You can use this proforma for an investment property or for your own home. Enter the variables in the cells with blue titles on the right hand side. When you enter your property's information, you can update the proforma by clicking on the next cell, or click the update button. Each title has an information box you can view by moving the mouse over the title. By becoming a member, you will have access to a variety of Excel proformas that can be changed to fit your projects.

* Enter your data into the yellow cells.

Purchase Price Monthly Income Total Investment Cost Debt Coverage Ratio
Improvement Costs Occupancy Rate Monthly Mortgage Payment Gross Rent Multiplier
Acquisition Costs Annual Income % Increase Annual Mortgage Payment Percent Down
Mortgage Rate Annual Operating Expenses Mortgage Principle Internal Rate of Return
Mortgage Period Annual Op. Exp. % Increase Loan Value Ratio Net Op. Income (Year 10)
Down Payment Annual Rental % Increase Tax Assessor Value Cap Rate (Year 10)
Annual Appreciation Property Tax Rate Annual Property Taxes Cash on Cash (Sale-Year 10)
Operating Income
Operating Expenses
Net Operating Income
Mortgage Years Remaining
Beginning Mortgage Balance
Mortgage Interest
Mortgage Payment
Ending Mortgage Balance
Net Income
Sum Net Income
Sales Price
Profit (Before Taxes)
Data for IRR Calculation

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